Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn Part 1 Cupcakes - Movie Premiere

Twilight Saga kembali lagi... kali ni Breaking Dawn part 1.. Sunie yg dah menjadi pelanggan setia kami tiap kali twilighters Malaysia berkumpul sekali lagi memberikan kepercayaan kepada RizqCakes untuk salah satu highlights sempena tayangan perdana filem ni.

Ila as the marketing chief bertindaklah mencadangkan satu showcase from us bertemakan Twilight saga Breaking dawn ni.. Fuad as the designer and artist buat lah design of how the cake will look like, we want to make the cake standing up and kita boleh bergambar sebelah kek2 tu.. memang berdebar jugak masa suggestion tu diutarakan.. ye la, tak pernah buat, frame untuk cake ni pun tak ada lagi masa tu.. Luckily we have a brother in law yg sangat pandai bertukang, dan kami serahkan projek utk buat design frame tu pada dia. selama ni pernah tengok pun cake maker yg dah ada show sendiri kat TV je buat custom made frame utk kek ni.. huhuhu..

DC cupcakes dan segala macam cake program kat TV adalah salah satu inspirasi kami untuk mencabar kemampuan kami dalam menghasilkan kek seperti tersusun dalam gambar kat bawah2 ni.. Yey!! With all the hard work, determination, well planned, family and friend support yang tak berbelah bagi akhirnya, kami berjaya menghasilkannya... Alhamdulillah...

Terima kasih tak terhingga kepada Dat and Angah for their support dengan menghasilkan stand frame yg sangat hebat ni! memang berbaloi effort yg dicurahkan.. hasilnya sangat mengagumkan.., tak lupa gak kat sity yg sanggup ambik cuti tolong kitorang setup, she's been a great support for our passion in cake making ni.. Adik, Mak, Syahmi and Hafiz yg bersama2 kami sepanjang pembikinan projek ni.. and above all.. Alhamdulillah, the event was a huge success and we enjoy every moment there.
Setelah selesai menyusun dan buat finishing touch.. syahmi tak puas hati masa ni sbb kena paksa bergambar...heheh..btw, thanks amk and adik for your endless support... ila and Fuad are very lucky for having a mum and sisters like angah and adik who always support our effort...and i couldnt ask for more from a brother like Dat... I love all of u...

The final outcome..
front view

tengah buat shading on the cakes utk bagi effect 3D sikit Ila & Poek - When we started selling cupcakes 4 years ago. never thought we will do something like this...it comes naturally..slow and steady nd not rushing at all... Alhamdullilah, its not yet a success for us, but definitely a milestone.

boring? hehe sian budak2 kena angkut skali

masa ni kami dah panik takut lambat... Ila and Sity.. 10 years old friendship... She is the woman behind the scene actually..she is the one who encourage ila to propose the idea to Sunie and theme...she said "its ok if they reject your idea, but at least you should give a try"... sity was taking leave from office on the particular day to assist and being with us... I love u PIC...

tapi alhamdulillah dalam masa 15 minutes dah siap susun,

tinggal nak touch up je

sunie, the vice president of Twilighters Malaysia (if am not mistaken)...the one who always give us the opportunity to bake for them... Thanks Sunie :)

my sister "Angah" and brother inlaw "Dat"... basically we told Dat what we want, requst him to design and we will pay for it...but Dat yang also excited and supported us, sponsor the frame to RizqCakes...Alhamdulillah...thanks to both of you...

masa untuk enjoy layan breaking dawn..

And, our cupcakes been featured in Harian Metro too... Thanks to Azlina, Sunie and Twilighters Malaysia, for giving us the opportunity to join the event.


monyeticky itu tati said...

superbly wonderful.. really beautiful.. dc cupcakes nye tv show tu memang best.. good for u..:)

fiezachommel said...

congrats kak ila and hubby.u r wonderful

Juliana said...

Salam Kak Ila. Saya Juliana. Kalau saya nak order birthday cake (Barbie) boleh ker? Tq in advance.

nabora said...

On behalf of Twilighters Malaysia, the word "thank you" is actually an understatement to express our gratitude to what you've done.

Thank you sooo much to you and your team for your time, effort and everything!! Sangat-sangat puas hati. Sangat-sangat berjaya event ni. Your cupcakes (and of course the showcase) sangat extraordinary.

Truly a recommended baker. ;-)



ila de cute said...

thanks so much all...

ila de cute said...


how should i tell u that i am actually indebted to you...the opportunity gives was really a platform for me to move to another step... thanks once again .