This black and white wedding cake ordered by Dilla for her brother in law, the same customer yg order black and white hantaran cake 2 week earlier. At first Dilla nak order the three tiers cake yg stacked together tp disebabkan kek ni nak ditransportkan dari KL ke Muadzam so takut pulak kami nak take the risk...

Thanks so much Dilla for your continous support. Maaf kalau kek ni tak mencapai piawaian kehendak pengantin ye... masih banyak room for improvement. Insyallah from time to time...

Speaking about room for improvement, Insyallah we are really working hard untuk menjadi 1 of the best cake maker and designer in Malaysia... Insyallah kalau diizin kan Allah tak mustahil kami akan full time buat kek...masa tu mungkin dpt ambil lebih byk tempahan dan lebih byk jenis kek... but it wont happen dlm masa sekejap... semua nya perlu usaha dan determination...

For Nizam and Aliaa, semoga jodoh kalian kekal abadi dan bahagia selama-lamanya... Thanks Dilla :)
Subhanallah! You've improve tremendously! I'm so proud of both of you! Muahhhsss ila! Keep up the good work!!!Semoga Allah memurahkan rezeki kalian sekeluarga...
thanks for your support... me an poek really take a small step a day to improve our design and quality... thanks dear :)
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