Thanks Dila for the order, i hope i meet your request ye.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Girlish Garden Fondant Cake
Thanks Dila for the order, i hope i meet your request ye.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Michael Jackson Cake
Ordered by Naza an another repeat customer of mine, her daughter Alisah really loves MJ. So this cake hopefully suffice Alisha's requests.

Thanks Naza for the order, hope u like it ye...
Pink Panther Cake
Monday, November 23, 2009
Bob The Builder cake and Transportation theme cupcakes
Ordered by Mimi for his comel son Mika'il's first birthday.
Mimi is such a detail and determined person, she knows what she wants. therefore she drew sketch gambar and mentioned all colors to be used for her cake and cupcakes...

Alhamdulillah, the Bob The Builder cake menepati citarasa nya Mimi and the transportation cupcakes really make her smile.
Besides mimi, Kak zaina iaitu boss cik mimi also ordered a set of cupcakes for her daughter, dapat 5A UPSR...congrats Atikah...

Thanks Mimi and Kak Zaina for the order.
Cake Chill Out - pengalaman untuk seorang pembuat kek amatur
Another history and a lesson to me and hubby dalam usaha menjadi pembuat dan pengicing cake yang serba boleh... Cake ni ordered by someone, ordered few days before the event... though I already have another orders tp i like the experience utk buat kek besar and company's event... of course not becoz of money sbb bayaran nya hanyalah sedikit, but sebab nak belajar macamana nak buat kek besar, i took the order...
tapi sayang nya, kali ni sebenarnya am not ready to accept order for this kind of cake. sbb customer punya expectation lebih tinggi dari apa yang ila n hubby berjaya hasil kan... walaupun kami pergi jugak repair and dlm masa yang sgt limited cuba elok kan lagi kek tu, tp we still feel sad and upset. rasa sedih sbb tak dpt penuhi kehendak customer tp yang paling sedih sbb nya ialah, masa customer sms kami kat rumah tu, kami anak beranak memang dah nak keluar unmtuk ke great eastern mall sbb mummy and daddy dah janji nak bawa syahmi main kat sana... tp dlm keadaan terdesak mcm tu, Alhamdulillah my friend Jojet dan Cik Linda tolong kami. sbb nya masa tu masa dah suntuk sgt.
Walaupun hasil nya mungkin tidak memuas kan hati me n hubby, customer kata kek cantik tp we dont think so. Nothing to regret sbb customer always right, and sebagai supplier kena la beri hasil terbaik.
Lesson for us :-
1) kalau rasa tak ready utk permintaan customer samada dari segi masa dan kebolehan, lebih baik tolak je order tu dari menghampakan semua pihak terlibat.
2) Kalau kena kan bayaran biar la setimpal sbb alasan kesian adalah tak valid selagi urusan itu antara customer dan supplier.
3) set kan limit berapa banyak kek yang boleh dihasilkan dalam sesatu masa...
4) tetap kan jadual delivery yang sepatutnya dipatuhi oleh kedua2 pihak, supaya tak berlaku masalah last minute changes.
5) yang paling penting; jgn kompromi masa bersama anak2 hanya utk kek...
Dear Syahmi and Hafiz, mummy and daddy minta maaf ye sebab kecuaian kami berdua dalam menghasilkan kek yang cantik, mummy and daddy tak dpt nak bawa syahmi n hafiz jln2 mcm yang mummy daddy janji...
Dear Jojet and Cik Linda, thanks so much for your help...memang tak dpt nak balas jasa tu...
Dear hubby, another challenge utk kita berdua, semoga kita lebih berhati2 dan lebih bersedia untuk bisnes mcm ni...jang pandang mudah pekerjaan kita ni walaupun hanya jual kek yang kecik... Btw, am glad for having a business partner like you...
ni gambar2 kek sebelum di repair, lepas dah siap alter tak pikir pun nak ambil gambar sbb dah exhausted and rush nak kena pergi birthday party syafiy and adam, risau terlambat sbb kami bawa kek syafiy and adam juga...
Ultraman Cake and Spiderman cake for Syafiy and Adam
Alhamdulillah both birthday boys happy with their cake... Thanks Kak Lina and Abg Shariz for the order....
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Cupcakes - last minute order
sometimes, when you are not famous and dont have big name, kita always jadi last choice, but I take it with proud and will try to do my best. And hopefully one day I will not always being a last choice. anyway thanks all for the order :)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Cupcakes Golf!
Cupcakes golf again...ordered by Munirah (kawan Mai)...munirah ni sangat excited nak celebrate birthday hubby dia, nak buat surprise utk hubby dia...

Alhamdulillah according to Munirah, her hubby seronok sgt dapat surprise cupcakes ni... especially her hubby ada golf tournament on the next day...
Thanks Munirah for the order, and selamat berkenalan juga...
Monday, November 16, 2009
Cake - I phone
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thomas Birthday Cake
Friday, November 13, 2009
Ben 10 Birthday Cake for Khalis's 4th Birthday
Ordered by Kak Muffy, honestly risau ms ambil order dari kak muffy, dah le memula kak muffy bg cth from someone else punya cake blog, someone yg glamor plak tu...then I have to be frank with Kak Muffy, mine is different compared to yg memang dah expert...
I believe semua org ada kelebihan masing2... ila ckp dgn kak muffy, I dont mind kalau Kak Muffy nak order dgn org lain lagi pun masa tu very short notice, risau jugak apa yg ila buat tak dapat memenuhi citarasa kak muffy and family...Until now also still no feedback from them, I pray hard that the birthday boy would like the cake... Tapi kalau the cake tak memenuhi citarsa, I would very happy to hear their feedback, at least boleh ila cuba utk improve kan diri, Insyallah...
Btw, thanks for the order :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Golf Theme Birthday Cake
Golf Theme Birthday Cake... Another milestone and achievement for me... For the first time in mylife and my career as a baker wannabe, my cake telah diorder untuk orang kenamaan and untuk majlis korporat. Ordered by Dilla from PTS Advertising Agency as an event planner utk majlis Farewell Dato' Adnan...

Dilla specifically mentioned to have a big cake, with a slope, pokok2, golf bag and org main main golf... Dilla order utk majlis 9 nov 2009... a day after i came back from berdebar betul, takut tak sempat and tak dpt hasil yang memuaskan hati... Alhamdulillah dapat juga siap kan and Alhamdulillah my customer puas hati...
Sms from Dilla "Lovely Cake, All like, tqvm" at middle of night really made me smile in my dream...
Thanks again Dilla for the order and for believing in me...
Monday, November 9, 2009
A deco class with Anna Putrajaya
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Ben 10 Birthday Cake and Thomas Cupcakes
This Ben 10 Birthday Cake is for Aiman's 3rd birthday...

Besides Ben 10 Birthday Cake, nora also ordered 1 set of thomas and friends cupcakes with his son...
Dalamnya is not a normal choc moist is actually Rainbow Butter Cake... so yummy...
Besides Ben 10 Birthday Cake, nora also ordered 1 set of thomas and friends cupcakes with his son...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Choc Moist Cake
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