Pertandingan ni dah berlangsung couple of weeks back... tapi tak menyempat je nak update kat sini...heheheh buat catatan sejarah konon...heeheh
Hhehehh tgh bertungkus lumus nak siap kan kek.... |
Pertandingan ni di war war kan exactly after poek tender his resignation. I personally encourage him to participate...i said "menang ke kalah secondary, yg penting just get an experience cemana nak deco cake dlm masa yg limited as well as limited resources and of course cemana nak control nervous deco cake depan orang.." poek diam je langsung tak ckp apa and he did submit his application form.
Effa, sity and us.... effa and sity are both penyokong kuat poek dlm usaha nya mencapai cita2 :) |
kebetulan masa pertandingan ila still on mc due to nerve problem...heheh walaupun sakit kaki n belakang but saya masih boleh join ke majlis tu.... pagi tu poek pergi dulu as I have to settle few things. once arrived (with mak n hafiz), i can see that he is really preassure with the buttercream consistency dan pewarna yg limited. plus he was the only male participant. lepas nampak kami baru la dia mcm tak gugup sangat. dah le memula tu dia lupa nak bawak turn table, so masa ila sampai je di Menara, terus minta tlg sity rush to bring the turn table to him as I need to park the car.
ni pun penyokong kuat beliau. en zul ni dok nengok and support poek dari awal pertandingan sampai la lepas announce keputusan... terharu betul |
ni datin azrene, wife dato fadzley yg merupakan salah sorang judge. dia siap tanya "awak memang biasa buat cake ke?" ehheheh |
tu cut it short, he won the contest. Alhamdulillah... I think he really boost his spirit. On the way back home hes said :memula mcm reluctant nak masuk contest ni sbb takut kalah. kalau kalah memang malu la sebab dia dah berenti kerja konon nak buat fulltime pastry arts tp pertandingan senang pun kalah".... heheheheh oooo patut la mcm tak nak masuk memula tu...
my mum and sity.... ila ckp kat mak, "mak ni mcm mak dato fadzley la sbb suka support usaha anak...heheh sebab kebetulan pada hari tu dato fadzley and mak dia pun ada sama :) |
Poek received hadiah dari Dato Fadzley dan Dato' Ser Zam :) |
dengan penyokong termuda... |
Hopefully this the first of many other competitions in the future... Terima kasih Allah SWT.