Sunday, March 18, 2012
LV Cake
LV cake again... Ordered by Faizawati... Alhamdulillah she and her friends like the cake so much....
sesame street

Buttercream drawing
Few of our latest cake using buttercream drawing... many people asked me, why the price of my buttercream icing is a bit pricey than those selling in other shops be honest it because of the workmanship...each and every cake will be drawn using free hand technique and not a transfer technique. and each and every easily took around 1 hour to 3 hours of drawing which depending on the design... Thanks to Allah for giving my husband the ability and natural talent.

To my customers, thanks so much for the trust given...
Sesi luahan perasaan (iye mesti org kata saya emo, tp saje saya nak tulis sbg kenangan saya di masa depan)
few weeks back, a customer commented "kalau kek mcm ni saya boleh beli kat kedai je" due to the miscommunication issue. she wanted a "cake color color" and I assume its a rainbow marble and not rainbow layer with the budget given ...its a last minute order with special edible image (bila ada special edible image sebenarnya ada extra cost untuk printing di situ terutamanya bila last minute)...i quoted her with a 1 recipe cake tp sebab rasa kesian pulak anak dia nak sgt sgt kek tu, i did upgraded the cake, make it slightly bigger...hubby did drawn a sea creatures. normally we didnt do delivery to customer, but it so happen my husband also has something else in "this place" so he delivered the cake at no cost to this lucky lady. we thought we made her happy because we accepted her
last minute order, we did upgraded her cake and delivered her at no cost... BUT she commented "cake rendah macam ni saya boleh beli kat kedai mana2 je, saya nak yg tinggi" ... and she did mentioned this more than 5 times. if u were in our shoes? what do you do??
ikhlas saya beri kan kek itu secara percuma pada customer td...supaya duit yang dia dah reserve kan utk bayar kek saya tu boleh dia beli kek dikedai sebagai mana dia ckp byk kali yg lebih baik dia beli kek di kedai.
To be honest, saya terima order kek dari dia sbb saya kesian bila dia bgtau anak dia cuma nak order kek dari saya sbb dia makan di rumah kawan nya... dan niat saya masa tu cuma nak menggembirakan hati anak kecil tu...pengajaran buat saya, lepas ni communication kena clear supaya tak ada customer kecewa lagi... saya terima semua comment yang diberi sebab saya tau saya boleh memperbaiki lagi kek kek saya dengan comment comment membina...
saya selalu fikir dan ingat Allah SWT anugerahkan bakat semulajadi kepada suami saya untuk deco cake cantik dan saya tau serba sedikit utk bake supaya kami dapat menggembirakan ramai anak2 kecil dan juga kawan2, keluarga dan ramai orang di keliling... cerita di atas tu hanya sedikit dari rasa sedih dan terkilan sedang kan banyak lagi perkara2 baik dan menyeronokkan berlaku sepanjang kami jual kek ni yang perlu saya kenang.... contoh macam hari ni kak fazz (regular customer) hadiah kan saya lip gloss yang cantik sewaktu dtg ambil kek nya... bawah ni kek kak fazz, Alhamdulillah kak fazz suka dan happy sangat... terima kasih kak fazz.

both of cakes ordered by different customer but in the same week. Please forgive me, i am totally forgot who ordered this. the blue one actually almost the same as i did for my friend "atie" many years back....
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