Monday, February 27, 2012
Battle tank cake

Wedding cake for lovebirds
Ordered by Hanisah...requested for 3 tiers wedding cake with buttercream icing.... uwaaaa seriously i pujuk2 Hanisah utk ambik fondant cake... sbb nya kami mcm tak confident nak buat wedding cake using buttercream icing... tp she insisted jugak...Hanisah nak design nya simple aje...janji on top of the cake ada 2 ekor burung warna biru and merah...
Its a tall cake...my 3 tiers wedding cake equivalent to 6 cakes...sebab setiap tingkat merupakan gabungan 2 biji kek...otherwise cake akan rendah...wedding cake for me kena la tinggi baru nampak grand... Thanks hanisah for the order...

Boboiboy and yaya
Manchester United cake
Pocoyo - Rainbow cake
Comel kan bday girl ni..nama nya Melati Zulfazleen... last year mummy dia order cake rapunzel yang tinggi tu utk dia...huhuh dan kek nya tersenget sikit sbb dowel nya patah satu...uwaaa rasa nak nangis kami masa dpt tau tu padahal last year kami siap antar ke rumah tu and masa sampai kat rumah tu tak lak menunjuk kan ciri ciri kecacatan... pastu last year kami lupa letak nama Melati atas cake...uwaaaa....dua kali buat salah... tapi mummy and daddy Melati ckp "takpe la nak wat cemana kan"... huhuh
then this year, to our surprise, mummy Melati "Lily" order lagi dari kami...this time dia nak kek rainbow layer... and nak ada pocoyo.. pesan Lily "akak buat pocoyo besar2 tau.... akak jgn lupa nama Melati tau...akak jangan lupa lilin no 4 tau... akak kalau boleh kek jgn senget lagi tau"... so kami pun berhati2... memilih design yang dengan penuh ciri keselamatan memandang kan kek ni bawa naik kereta dari setiawangsa ke kota damansara...sampai dok pikir byk bumper ke tak... alhamdulillah kali ni kek Melati tak senget dah...Alhamdulillah tak lupa letak nama Melati dah...Alhamdulillah Melati suka sangat2.... Lily siap bgtau "jgn lupa ye bulan 7 nanti, utk adik Melati"...

Alhamdulillah...we've made mistake...but the customer was so generous and kind hearted to forgive us and keep ordering from us... Alhamdulillah Allah for giving us the opportunity...
Thanks to Lily and family... and thanks for sharing the picture with us...
ordered by Lily for her son's. Lily determined to have a rainbow layer cake after she saw it in Moon's blog (http://miera3-1.blogspot.com). however not sure on the design, so we both discuss the concept and Lily agreed.

Thanks Lily for the order... and thanks to your sister yang sudi collect the cake on your behalf.
hello kitty cupcakes

Thanks Kak Jem :)
Hello Kitty Cake
Ordered by Kak Fazz for her beloved daughter Dira... Kak fazz is our repeat customer. Our loyal customer Pn Nik Aidil Maria actually the one who introduced us to Kak Fazz.
Kak fazz is a very considerate lady...last year when she ordered her tinkerbell cake (which was our very first tinkerbell), she also ordered set of cupcakes on ice cream cone. we told kak fazz, we cant do that but Dira was so excited and insisted to have those cupcakes ice cream...the problem with us was not makin it but transporting it....sighh... accident happened, and all teh cupcakes went to the bin... but kak fazz told me not to worry about it...And alahmdulillah she come back again this year.... Am thankful to Allah for giving all these kind of very nice customer...
For this order, Kak fazz just tell me she want a hello kitty theme cake...must be a butter cake using buttercream, so we've proposed 2 designs to Kak Fazz and Dira chosed this one. Alhamdulillah according to Kak Fazz, the cake was a hit during the party :)
Kak fazz is a very considerate lady...last year when she ordered her tinkerbell cake (which was our very first tinkerbell), she also ordered set of cupcakes on ice cream cone. we told kak fazz, we cant do that but Dira was so excited and insisted to have those cupcakes ice cream...the problem with us was not makin it but transporting it....sighh... accident happened, and all teh cupcakes went to the bin... but kak fazz told me not to worry about it...And alahmdulillah she come back again this year.... Am thankful to Allah for giving all these kind of very nice customer...

For this order, Kak fazz just tell me she want a hello kitty theme cake...must be a butter cake using buttercream, so we've proposed 2 designs to Kak Fazz and Dira chosed this one. Alhamdulillah according to Kak Fazz, the cake was a hit during the party :)
food cupcakes...
Sunday, February 12, 2012
tidak sempurna
saya tidak sempurna... kek kek saya juga tidak sempurna... walaupun setiap kek yg dihasilkan, saya cuba pastikan yang saya sudah mengikut kehendak pelanggan... walaupun setiap kek itu pasti mengikut budget yang pelanggan nak, dan saya pastikan setiap kek itu berbaloi dengan harga yang di bayar... tapi saya masih tidak sempurna dan tak lari dari buat kesilapan... jadi saya minta tolong, kalau ada pelanggan yang tak puas hati dengan kek saya, boleh la beri tau pada saya supaya saya boleh improve diri dan tak ulang kesilapan yang sama pada pelanggan lain... jangan la cuma beri komen secara terbuka dan dgn nama "anonymous"...saya takde kuasa magic utk detect dimana kesalahan yang telah saya buat...saya ada ramai kawan2 yang selalu tolong promote kek saya... kesian mereka promote kek saya sedangkan kualiti kek saya tak seberapa...
jadi saya minta tolong anda yang baik hati, sekiranya ada kesilapan yang saya buat sewaktu berjual beli dengan anda, harap dapat bagitau saya... saya cuma seorang pembuat kek yg tidak sempurna maka ketidaksempurnaan itu terpancar di atas kek kek saya...
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Jack the Pirate cake

Moon, a dear aunt to Rafiq is my bestfriend... we knew each other for more than 7 years... and we became good friends ever since... It is an honor to us when Moon keep promoting our cake in her blog... we do appreciate it moon...

I pray to Allah SWT to give strentgh to Norma and Talib...I pray to Allah SWT may they celebrate many more birthdays after this...
Monday, February 6, 2012
Cars for Matin
Number 1 Cake
red and white cupcake wedding tiers
soccer cake
Dora The Explorer

this is our first 2 tiers with Dora theme.. i like it so much...well i know like pink. for having 2 boys, kena la melepas kan geram membuat kek kek pink dan sewaktu dengan nya utk customer...

thanks so much for the order :)
Army Cake

Thanks for the order Haleyna... she is our repeat customer, the first customer who ordered angry birds cake last year.. ever since her order, we received lots of Angry Birds cake order..., and it is our pleasure to know it was a hit during the party. tq once again.
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