huhuhu kesiannya blog ni...minta maaf bukan sengaja nak menyepi kan diri and tak update apa2 tp memang tak sempat n busy sesangat...heheh bukan busy dengan kek sgt pun, busy dengan office work, dengan kids...
insyaAllah will start to update ye...stay tune!!!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
thomas cake
This thomas cake was ordered by a family friend, Sheila.. also a cake baker, for her son Imran.. kesian Imran, mommy dah sarat mengandung tak larat nak bake and deco cake for his birthday.. And we were honoured and really appreciate on Sheila's trust to make this cake for her son. It was a challenge to us as we are making cake for another baker.. hihi :) anyway, here's the outcome and hopefully Aiman love his cake!! thanks Sheila for the order..
Darth Vader and Princess

This 2 cakes were ordered by our friend Yang that had just returned from Japan. They are for their 2 kids.. one a big fan of Star Wars and another one, a princess.. So we've made this two cakes for them..
actually the darth vader figurine was the second one as the first one we made had melted.. yes, it was melted due to the strong humidity when it rains heavily in KL a few days straight. Our fondant figurine had been affected too. at first the darth vader was standing and pose with the light saber, after a few hours the figurine had fallen down.. huhuhu I forgot to take the picture... anyway, the new one is still posing like a cool darth vader, sitting with dignity.. :)
Thanks Yang for the order..
Cake for BET

we got the order from a friend of a friend of my wife, (err.. is it like that?) anyway.. when the party was on, we never knew who would come.. in this 'BET's' cake case.. wife of poek's friend from high school is a friend of Bet.. and when they were chatting and asking about our cake, they knew about us immediately.. and then came the message.. 'Pari kirim salam kat Poek'.. knewing the name, I immediately recall about Pari or Farihan Azizan my batchmate and dorm mate in form 1.. 'waalaikumussalam Pari, lama tak jumpa ko ek..' ... :) wow.. thank god, when doing this part time business, there are a lot of unexpected things and reconnection of long lost friend happens... anyway, thanks for the order. hope you all had fun!
Upin, Ipin dan Eiman
pocoyo is back

Poek's schoolmate Najem msg him asking for his boy's birthday cake order status. we've been quite busy last few weeks with poek's mom hospitalized and many other things and unfortunately missed out his wife's email. anyway, tracking back the order and we managed to pull everything together and came out with this pocoyo cake.. hopefully they love it.. thanks Najem and wife :)
Castle cake

We received this order from Erni for Eimer's birthday.. as always, princess theme is her all time favourite.. Being a mother, Erni wants to change a bit of the cake (tiap2 tahun princesskan.. :))but still maintaining the princess theme and color.. so, she settle down with the castle cake for her daughter.. she even give us link on how to make a castle cake... ha'ah kan, tak pernah la pulak buat castle kek tinggi2 macam ni.. anyway, both mother and daughter and all the people came for her party love the cake... malam tu, Erni msg Ila, saying that "they were going to demolish the castle (nak potong2 makan).. huhu, sayangnya..".. Takpe, nanti boleh buat lagi!.. :)enjoy our castle cake

This cake was made for Haikal on his 4th birthday.. his mother were having quite a hassle in finalizing the design as mother and kid were having conflict of interest :). mommy minat design lain, anak nak design lain.. anyway, last2 they came up dgn final design.. the spiderman!! yeyy!! who wins aa?.. anyway, it's his birthday, and we all wish for his happiness too.. :)
Edible image - Birthday cake
Soccer ball cake
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