The girlish set with garden theme...
The props using here were digger and auto rickshaw... the lego digger bought by dady for syahmi and the auto rickshaw was a souvenir from Aunt Ngah and Uncle Dat to Syahmi, bought from India during their honeymoon.
the final set of the transportation cupcakes for Kam's son...
Btw, we have new boxes now...Yeyyy! Now it look more presentable...
Testimonial from Kam : "kek dah abis langsai dalam masa 24 jam... tp betol la kata ko.. icing nya agak tebal... so nxt time ko bole tebalkan kek.. and nipiskan icing...takpe.. practise makes perfect... anak dara aku siap soh order lagi.. sabo je lah.. anak bujang aku besday july ni.. ntah sempat aku order ke idak.. kalo dah burst tak dapek la nak order.. dia suka betol design transport tu.. design ambulance tu dia panggil van mati.. "
thanks kam for the feedback...basically i already admit with Kam earlier that i tersalah measure masa masukkan batter dlm the cuppies. but i only realize it masa kek tu dlm oven, nak buang sayang pulak, nak mkn byk sgt, so i decided to continue it and informed Kam before hand. Plus i give her extra discount for the mistake made. I truly happy when she told me that her kids really loves it..thanks so much Kam. :) and thanks for being considerate too... Insyallah, I will try to improve it.